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Recent Air Pollution Statistics to Blame for Global Health Decline

Posted October 18, 2016 by Michelle Anderson

Fort Myers, Fla. (October 18th, 2016) – More than 90% of the world’s population is breathing contaminated air that does not meet official safety standards, and the effects are detrimental.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of people are dying from breathing air pollutants in the form of various particulate matter such as sulphates, nitrates, and black carbon.

Only one person in 10 lives in a city that complies with the WHO air quality guidelines,” says Dr. Maria Neira, director of public health at the WHO.

Among the most polluted areas are China, India, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Detrimental Bodily Damage

These microscopic contaminants inflict a lot of damage on the body.

Specifically, if inhaled, the particles can become lodged in the lungs and result in COPD, infections, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and lung cancer.

“To date, air pollution – both ambient (outdoor) and household (indoor) – is the biggest environmental risk to health, carrying responsibility for about one in every nine deaths annually,” says Dr. Maria Neira. “Ambient air pollution alone kills around 3 million people each year, mainly from non-communicable diseases.”

What’s Causing This Pollution?

Some places in the world, such as the Sahara, are prone to naturally occurring air contamination.

As most people are well aware, the burning of fossil fuels significantly contributes to the global pollution problem.

This pollution problem includes not only vehicle emissions but industrial fuel applications as well.

Diesel fuel, especially in older engines, often leaves unburned fuel after combustion to exit the exhaust system. As a result, this unburnt fuel is released into the air and contributes to pollution. In more densely populated metro areas, the abundance of pollution can often be seen in the form of smog, a haziness in the air that tends to linger across the city. 

Have you ever see black smoke coming out of an engine? That’s a sign of wasted, unburnt fuel!

In order to be efficient, all efforts should be made to completely burn the fuel during combustion, as this improves both fuel efficiency and reduces the emissions impact.

What Can We Do?

One solution to this problem is to use a combustion catalyst fuel additive in order to optimize fuel efficiency. AXI International’s AFC series allows fuel to burn more completely while cleaning out the entire fuel system.

Not only does AFC increase fuel efficiency, therefore cutting down on harmful emissions, it also improves fuel economy, increases filter life, increases horsepower, adds engine lubricity, and extends DEF and UREA lifespan.

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